Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Post Midterm

After I write a midterm, I like to go back and rerun it in my head and go over what could have been done better, what could have been overlooked while I studied and so on. This midterm is no different, we haven't gotten our marks back, but I feel somewhat confident in how I did. It was a fairly written exam, but a few of the questions confused me, maybe just because of how I had interpreted the information. A few of the questions I felt I had to prove my answer and I didn't feel like the answer could be answered by a yes or no but that is all it required. All in all, I think the midterm was fine, but I should have spent more time on the theories than I did on the readings in the book, because those questions carried more weight than the text questions. These are all pointers that I will definitely take into the next and final exam. Each teacher has a different style and exam style.

Now we are onto new content, but with the other stuff we learned ready to be called on from the back of our brains.

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