Busy busy busy, these days. Seems like everything happens at once, like the teachers all had a meeting to create the deadlines in the same week, but clearly that is NOT the case. What happened is I procrastinated until the last minute and left everything until this week to cram it all in. Like that saying goes, "when you point a your finger at someone else, 3 other fingers are pointing right back at you" , so it's time to step up to the plate and take some responsibility for my actions.
Classes this past few days have been very engaging for me lately, not sure if I'm trying harder or the content matter is more along the kinds that I can relate to and understand more clearly,probably the latter. I enjoy the examples used in class to relate something that has usually happened to me in class, or to someone I knew in class, to a big, crazy, definition or theory. This makes it much more real and in studying for the midterm I have found when I think of what the content is, I think more of the example then the theory, and then it makes a little path of remembering to get to what it is. It's been really effective. I've started also using this method of studying for my other classes.
Also in my other classes, I have used content that we have learned in EDPY in class discussions and in understanding relatable topics. We were discussing a moral issue and it was interesting to think of the different theories and stages we learned on moral devilment and think about why they may have answered or not have answered in a particular way to a question or debate.
One of my teachers says over and over " the world is a simple place as long as you place structure upon it" , which in many cases is true. In teaching it's a little more complex as to where , how and when the structure should be used, but even as a rule to self to not drive myself crazy. For example, Tuesday's and thursdays are days I focus mainly on anthropology and psychology, whereas the other three days I tend to devote to EDPY and math. It makes everything I'm learning much more manageable. It's interesting to see that what we learn in collage is not solely content, it's much more. It teaches us how to organize our schedules effectively and also that we all need a little breathing room as a break. For some of us it's going out for a drink, for others, maybe going to the gym, but some time away from studying and typing and so on is needed for sanity reasons.
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