Friday, September 23, 2011

About Me

Welcome to my blog...although this is not my first blog, I still feel like a rookie every time I start. Little information about me... I am in my second year at Red Deer College and still enjoying the slower pace of things in comparison to where I’m from. Ardrossan is my home town but that is quite close to the city limit of Edmonton, and I also spent my first two years in post secondary fighting traffic, honking horns, noise and of course business school until I decided enough was enough and transferred to RDC.

I grew up lining up my dolls to play school and being the teacher, and then when younger siblings came along, they became my new students, whether they liked it or not.  Right after high school I moved to England for a year to clear my head and figure out where I wanted to go and end up. When I moved back I had an idea that business school would be a great place to start, but teaching was always in the back of my mind. It’s in my roots. My great grandmother was a teacher in the Northwest Territories and would take her dogsled team to work. Although the novelty for that would probably wear off quite quickly come winter that was always my dream.  My grandma was also a teacher before she got married.  And my aunt is a teacher still today and loves her job, with the obvious bad day here or there, but if you ask her what she thinks, she wouldn’t have a negative response in regards to the career she chose.
 So after two years in business school in Edmonton, I finally switched into Education and it finally feels like things make sense and that I’m in the right field and on track!

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