Thursday, November 3, 2011

We are Adults now

Other day in class a very disappointing and disturbing happened to a fellow student of ours at RDC and fellow student in B of Education. This completely heartless and unnecessary attack on a student showed quite clearly that maybe not everyone has grown up, there are some very childish behaviors still happening here at the post secondary level.  I was not aware of the attack until it was mentioned in the next class. I was completely shocked and disgusted that someone at our age, in a educational institute could even think of doing something like that, let alone actually have the nerve to do it.

Its really discouraging to think that maybe that the person who did it is in the same school as me and even in the same educational path as me. After I heard the news I went back to when I was in high school, bullying happened a lot. I lived in a small rural town, and for some reason, bullying instead of enjoying our high school years caught every one's attention. I am one of four children, middle child,  and an older sister to a younger brother and a younger sister this made me very protective of them. We rode the school bus with some people that grew up to be some of my great friends, and some that I can still barely stand to be in the same room as after the things I witnessed them doing to my peers and my family. My youngest brother got bullied a lot, and I can remember so vividly the feelings I had toward those people. Being the older sister, I responded to them,not always in the  most mature way, but its hard to act rationally to those who clearly have no morals or self respect. Since we were young my parents taught us to always stand by your family no matter what, and that is something that has stuck with me until now and I don't think it going anywhere.

Image taken from Google Images

Everyone has experienced bullying in some way, either being the victim, or a witness. This is something that does not have an easy black or white solution, and every situation is different, but as a future teacher, my number goal is to create a safe, positive place for my students to come to, and be open with my students enough so that they themselves feel like they could come to me if something is happening.  Its a horrible feeling to feel like you don't want to go to school because of the bullies there, or what might happen in the lunch room or parking lot.

I found this great video on YouTube. It is a flash mob dance for anti bullying. I think this is a great idea and a great way to raise awareness.
*It is really loud, so turn your volume down at first to find a good sound level. *

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