Friday, November 18, 2011

"The walk from 'NO' to 'YES'

Today in class we viewed a video on solving conflict and creating peace. It was from a perspective that I had never thought about. In the video it was mentioned that peace is simple, not easy. That causes me to think of conflicts that will indefinitely arise in the classroom. To achieve a peaceful learning community we need a third party involved, an outside perspective that shows us things that our anger and frustration blind us from. A third party can let the two involved parties know whats at stake, maybe something that they hadn't thought of before.  A quote from the video that I can't stop thinking about is " When you are angry you may make the best speech that you will regret forever". I can't help but see the truth and merit in this. Who when they are angry or frustrated say a nasty comment instead of internalizing it, or acts out instead of taking a deep breath and letting it pass. Its easy to let our anger get the best of us, but its not easy to hold back and think about what we might regret saying or doing.

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